Thursday, May 27, 2010

That was the fastest 4 weeks ever!

I can't be sure if anyone is actually reading this or not but I'm going to keep updating it from time to time. Financially Digital has taken off faster than I could have anticipated and I am so lucky and excited for it. It has been a complete rush!

I only have one complaint though and that's with guest posting, rather receiving guest posts. I can't believe how many I've had to turn away or ask to revise. It's like some writers, you know who you are, just put words into a Word Doc and send it off, no editing, no proof reading, not even sure if it's one themed post by the end of it. It's been a little frustrating and at first I would do the edits before I posted them but now I won't even touch them. I don't have time. If you want to be featured I would love to have you one the site - absolutely love it! I really appreciate all those that have submitted and made it because it creates a great sense of community. But if it's just word vomit attached to the email you sent requesting to be featured, you'll probably get an automated no thank you right back. I mean if you are already spending the time to write something why not give it a once over before packing it up and sending it out.

That's about all the time I have to post (RANT) here. I love the feed back that I'm getting too, in the local community and on the web. I'm always trying to make both this space and Financially Digital a more community based experience.

Thanks for all the support! Cheers!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nothing like a 12hr work day...

Ok so my main sight is now up and running.  Well it has been for a while but I would consider that the soft open.  Today I spent all day registering domains, upgrading web hosting and developing content to keep this ball rolling.  I am going to admit that I did underestimate the process of becoming official having been spoiled by place like Blogspot and Wordpress in the past.  But everything is up and it's smooth sailing, as far as day one is concerned that is.  I want to make a serious effort not to let this space get forgotten.  I plan to keep this in the lines of a personal journal where you will get to read me rant about the trials and tribulations of my, probably not that interesting, endeavors. 

One hilarious thing that I will share today is that I found  It's a place where you can buy or sell products or services and everything is only $5.  Everything. It's hilarious to see what people are willing to do for $5, including myself.  I did throw up a gig or two so feel free to check out

Oh one last thing.  You might notice a Donate button in the upper right hand corner of the blog.  You'll find that button here and at  The button is to help raise money for the local libraries in the Springfield City Library system.  Being an advocate for financial literacy I think it's important I be an advocate for all literacy. has great programs for young kids and adults that focus on reading, writing, and expressing yourself.  All things I love passionately and skills that allowed me to be where I am today.  Some food for thought there.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Everything Else?

..and it's Tuesday night.

It's been a fun couple of weeks trying to get myself organized for the new media extravaganza I have planned.  I have been taking my camera almost everywhere trying to get as much quality stuff on tape as possible.  I'm moving and changing my "Physical Therapy for Your Wallet" blog too.  I feel like it's time for this project of mine to either grow or be forgotten about and I chose to give growing a shot.  Its new title and home is and you can probably guess it's new title is "Financially Digital".  The old blog will be up for a while as I make the transition over to Squarespace.  I plan on keeping this space open for all those topics that are interesting and warrant conversation that don't quite fit in the new
"Financially Digital" space.

So, I look forward to this being a hodge podge of fun and interesting stuff and welcome comments and suggestions for topics to cover.  I know my readership is low as it is but hopefully this blog finds an audience and some legs to get moving.  Don't forget to subscribe to to get your weekly dose of our shenanigans as well! 
